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Giovanni Mason

Sculptor • Painter


The innovative character of Mason's works con be seen especially in his paintings. Even here symbolic references ore essential. They always rotate around the figure, but at the some time opening to a far wider dimension. On one hand, in fad, they continue to delve into, even if in a different way, the great theme of interpersonal relationships and of man himself with everything that surrounds him. On the other hand they enter into a cosmic perceptive. This way they break away from the idea of the figures as an absolute element, to piace it - in more modern terms also on a philosophical level - within a system where not only interior situation exist, but also where there is a universal dimensionI a cosmic one. Man not as an individuai entity, but part of the whole universe. 
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Also in his paintings Giovanni Mason leaves the traditions of realism, while at the some time keeping a figurai style in his paintings. He therefore maintains a well recognizable point of departure around which he builds a far wider sphere of situations. He often uses circular, metal or technological elements, which however he assembles in meaningful forms on a metaphysic level. That technicality which at first sight may seem dehumanized, in reality alludes, once again, to configurations with an interior character. Also here, as in his sculptures, the technical aspect of his works is perfectly balanced with the symbolic aspect.
Dalmazio Ambrosioni